High Nutritional Value of Mung Beans

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A lot of research has been conducted on the health benefits of plant-derived foods in the recent years. The nutritional value of Mung beans, for one, has been studied extensively and the findings are unbelievable. The beans have great nutritional value and have been proven to aid in the prevention of various chronic diseases – like diabetes, hypertension, sepsis, cancer, inflammation, osteoporosis, celiac diseases and many more.

Mung beans are ideal for all diets, be it vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or diets for people with sensitive stomachs and other digestion related conditions.

Apart from offering many nutrients that boost the immune system, they have low cholesterol, are gluten free, and can boost weight loss to reduce obesity. These tiny beans bring out the true meaning of “good things come in small packages”. Read on to see just how much nutrients and health benefits you can get from Mung beans.

Mung Bean Nutrition Facts

  • They are a high source of nutrients like: potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, folate, thiamine, iron, calcium and B vitamins.
  • They are a good source of dietary fiber, resistant starch and protein.
  • Mung beans are low in fat (0.19g per serving), calories and sodium.
  • The beans are gluten free.
  • They bear anti-cholesterol properties.
  • A single cup serving of mung beans is capable of supplying your body with 100% of the folate required for a day.
  • A single serving can give up to 36% of the daily magnesium need for an adult.
  • They are low on the glycemic index at 25. Also, they have a low glycemic load of 4.
  • Contrary to popular opinion on most beans, the mung beans are very easy to digest when well prepared.

Mung Beans Nutrition Content

The following are the contents of a 1 cup serving of cooked mung beans.

Calories:          212Kcal

Fiber:               15g

Protein:            14g

Sugar:              4g

Fat:                  1g


Nutrients Amount DV (%)
Folate 321.0 mcg 80
Dietary Fiber 15.4 g 61
Manganese 0.6 mg 30
Magnesium 97.0 mg 24
Thiamine 0.3 mg 22
Iron 2.8 mg 16
Copper 0.3 mg 16
Potassium 537.0 mg 15
Vitamin B1 0.33 mg 36
Vitamin B6 0.13 mg 11
Zinc 7 mg 24
Calcium 55 mg 5

Mung Beans Come With a Ton of Recipes

You can find mung beans in many forms including:

  • Dried
  • Sprouted seeds
  • Roasted beans
  • Split mung beans
  • Bean noodles
  • Whole uncooked beans
  • Mung bean flour

Many recipes from different cultures are available. The beans come with a wide range of options where you can introduce them in almost anything. For example, you can use them in falafel (instead of using chickpeas), soups, curry, salads and toppings for various foods (like pizza, pasta, soup, salad, hummus or even stir-fries). Mung bean flour can be used to bake bread, cakes, cookies, pizza and other pastries.

Soaking beans for a few hours or overnight makes the beans easier to digest. Soaking also helps eliminates the need to add water while cooking. Sprouting the beans is especially encouraged to increase nutrients and prevent indigestion related symptoms.

The health benefits of Mung beans will be discussed in our next post.

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